Art for the Park
Art for the Park
June 2013, the Aurora School of Fine Arts won "The People's Choice" award from the Town of Aurora for their painted picnic table called, "Four Seasons in Aurora." This picnic table was painted to include the names of our Town's early leaders in the roots of the tree. The finishing touch was added by inscribing the names of these four young artists in the sky, symbolizing their limitless potential and future contribution to Aurora. This group also painted a garbage can called "Aurora, Goddess of the Dawn." We thought it would be appropriate to honour our Town's name as it is celebrating its 150 years. Aurora, meaning goddess of the dawn, named as such to recognize progress and the new era our Town was establishing is a constant reminder to us that the beginning of each day gives us much to aspire and look forward to. Make each day your own personal Aurora! Our works of art are now stationed in the community parks around Town. Hopefully you will have a chance to spot ours and enjoy! Visit our gallery for more photographs of this memorable community event.